

 ロバート・ダウランドはVarietie of lute lessons(1610)にて、どのゲージをフレットに使うかを説明しています。

let the two first frets neerest the head of the instrument (being the greatest) be of the size if your countertenor, then the third and fourth frets must be the size of your great meanes: the fift and sixt frets of the size of your small meanes: and all the rest sized with trebles. These rules also serve for viols, or any other kind of instrument whereon frets are tyed.


So the first two frets should be the same size as the fourth course (perhaps about .75mm), the third and fourth the same size as the third course (about .60mm), the fifth and sixth the same size as the second course (about .50mm) and the rest the same size as the trebles (about .40mm).

これは、Varietie of lute lessons(1610)の文章説明の次ページの図から、countra tenor = 4コース、great meane = 3コース、small meane = 2コース、treble = 1コースであることが分かるので、そのように言えることになります。

全体に細いゲージなので、それだけアクションも低く設定され、弾き易い楽器になるでしょう。ちなみに、この記事では、John Dowland (1610)とありますが、Robart Dowland (1610)の間違いです。
